What is palliative care ?

Palliative care is a set of social and psychosocial health services, intended to improve the quality of life of people suffering from serious illnesses accompanied by functional disability.

Palliative care aims to:

  • To improve the comfort and quality of life of patients suffering from a serious illness
  • Relieve pain and other physical symptoms by integrating psychological and spiritual aspects
  • Support patients relatives

Why palliative care in Senegal?

In Senegal, the supply of palliative care for these types of patients remains low, while the needs are increasing everyday.

The lack of funding or the limited places offering palliative care are the main causes of patients pain and limited autonomy for daily life acts and thus altering their quality of life.

This situation is complicated for relatives, who often are helpless without the necessary skills to help patients.

The Alliance for Palliative Care in Senegal (ASPASEN) is created to meet these health and social needs.

Our Missions

  • Support patients and their families by providing free palliative care at home
  • Strengthen the capacities of care providers (caregivers and natural caregivers)
  • Build a network with national and international partners
  • Promote the palliative care culture
  • Create a hospice, a welcoming and care area in Dakar

Our goals

  • Communicate and raise palliative care awareness
  • Looking for funding and developing national and international partnership
  • Improving logistical resources
  • Recruiting and training volunteers and care providers
  • Supporting patients and families (free care at home, social actions, psychological and spiritual support, creating hospice, making oral morphin cheaper

Our team

Listening to you to ensure better support

en Mariétou NDIAYE SG

Mariétou NDIAYE

Economist - General Secretary
Dr Rokhaya THIAM

Dr Rokhaya THIAM

Obstetrician Gynecologist - President
Alimatou Sadya NIANG

Alimatou Sadya NIANG

Accountant - Treasurer

Our Partners