Every member commits to respect the values of ASPASEN and to conform his or her behavior to them within the framework of the association’s activities.

Every member of ASPASEN must sign a confidentiality clause forbidding him/her to divulge information to which he/she has access within the framework of the association’s activities.

Members and contributors are asked to respect confidentiality, medical secrecy and image rights.
The different types of members

The association can welcome new members at any time.

Active members

Active members are those who contribute to the activities and management of ASPASEN with a professional quality. They must be contributors of ideas, suggestions, initiatives, and they contribute to the publications of the association.

They must purchase a membership card (10.000 F CFA) and must contribute monthly (2.000 F CFA) or annually (24.000 F CFA). They can make donations, the amount of which is left to their discretion.

The admission of a new active member must respect the following procedure:

  • Apply for membership to the Board of Directors (by email, mail, or by meeting with the Executive Board) which will decide on the admission. The applicant must indicate his motivation, his availability and the know-how he intends to put at the disposal of the association.
  • The applicant keeps a status of sympathizing member (purchase of a card) while waiting for the answer of the Executive Committee.
  • In case of a favorable answer, he/she pays his/her dues to be in conformity with his/her status of active member.

The active members are eligible, voters and have deliberative votes at the general meetings.

Only active members who are up to date with their membership fees are eligible and eligible to vote.

Supporting members

The sympathizing members support the association without personal investment in the activities. They must purchase a membership card (10.000F CFA) and are exempt from paying membership fees. Their financial contribution is left to their discretion.

Sympathizing members are neither eligible nor voters and have consultative votes at general assemblies.


Volunteers contribute punctually to the activities without having the status of member. They are exempt from paying membership fees and have a free volunteer card. They can contribute financially at their convenience.

Volunteers are neither eligible nor voters and have advisory votes at the general assemblies.

Contact us

  • 33 868 70 38 / 78 606 20 20
  • contact@aspasen.org